OpenPandemics: COVID-19 Update (October 2020)

Our new project update is out! Check it out on the IBM site here.

COVID-19 infographic

The Goodsell Lab, one of our collaborators, organized a CellSpace Workshop, a workshop for cellular and molecular sciartists.

The theme of this workshop is “New Ways of Living: Understanding the Science of COVID-19”, and participants were asked to create scientific artwork related to COVID-19. One of the many talented participants was Martina Maritan, a member of the COVID-NineTeam, which created this marvelous infographic about our OpenPandemics: COVID-19 Project!

License: This image provided for free use under a CC-BY-4.0 license. For use of this image, please acknowledge Martina Maritan

Make sure to check out the CellSpace gallery for more great scientific illustrations!

Check the latest statistics on the OpenPandemics: COVID-19 calculations.